Start with population wide screening of and treatment for OSA to avoid both the weight gain and the DM2

I believe screening is good but the REAL problems are the foods and drinks that have been tainted, chemicalled, pasteurized, genetically altered, and pesticided. THATS what’s the problems are today. Screening is great but we need the root problems corrected, everything else will follow.

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You raise a very good point, @DaveG . I grow non-GMO veggies to help diminish our intake of the nasties. I am excited for the nice weather to get here because I found an heirloom cucumber that resembles a plump lemon. Did you know that cucumbers are one of the best foods for diabetes?

Cucumbers can even be grown in small spaces (contrary to what most people think) - for instance a recycled wood pallet trellis

Even partially removing nasty chemicals from a portion of your food is a start. I know I only use heirloom seeds for my family. If I want to eat more chemicals, I will buy ALL my veggies at the supermarket :slight_smile: