**Peer Mentors Needed**

Thank you to those of you who have already signed up for our Peer Mentor Program. We are still in the testing process and are looking for more people to help us out!

The American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA) has been helping the sleep community for more than 30 years. During that time, experienced members like you have guided and reassured “apnea newbies” to embrace their diagnosis and prescribed treatment options.

With your continued involvement, we look forward to many more years of good patients like you paying it forward! We are looking for testers for our beta round of evaluation for the soon to be rolled out AWAKE Peer Mentor Program (PMP).

Due to your activity on our page, we would like you to help out if you’re able. If you want to be a mentor that would be great too!

For the onset of the new program, if you are a forum participant using a password for participating, you will have to sign up separately for the peer mentor program. The reason for this is it’s the way calls are routed so instead of people knowing your cell number, they will see the system ID.
You would enter a password like a regular user name and log in (not give us the password).
All forum users have a forum password. That remains unchanged, and unaffected.

When you enroll in the new Peer Program, you have to make a brand new password for the sleepapnea.org website.

We know this is an inconvenience having two passwords for one organization, but this will be fixed in the near future.

So to recap, For the Peer Mentor Program, you will need to create a new login and password on the website sleepapnea.org.

***Your Forum login is separate, and will not change. We apologize that you need two logins for the same organization. ***
To test out the site and/or become a mentor click here (https://www.sleepapnea.org/peer-mentors/ ).

We appreciate your help in testing our system and process by checking out the website and enrolling in the program. Whether you want to continue as a mentor or not, your help in making sure it’s a smooth process is extremely helpful.

We appreciate your time!