Pillow masks

Hi - I am considering trying a pillow mask. I currently use a nasal mask. Would anyone have an idea what one I should look at? Thanks


Hi AliceR! Welcome to the forum… I use Dreamwear masks - I use the nasal one right now because I can’t stand anything in my nose itself… I would recommend that you get with your DME supplier and ask them to let you try one out. Mine generally does that at no charge. Just make sure you have the size right, and I’m not sure about the pressure… I don’t know if it needs to be more or less. Sorry - That is probably not a lot of help. Best luck in getting it straight for you.


Good Morning :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for your welcome and recommendation. I will look into the Dreamwear mask, I too can not have anything in my nose. Thank you again! Have a great day!

Hi, @AliceR
I too wear the dream mask w the cushion below the nose. I like it. Very small and light. Comfortable. I find that I have to fill the heated humidifier’s water chamber a bit above the max line or, later in the night, it whistles—? As long as I fill it a bit higher, it is quiet.
I am not sure if I will like it for side sleeping. I was just starting to experiment with different pillows with cutouts to see if that would support my head but not touch, squish, or move the mask or cushion, but since then, I have been sleeping on my back while recovering from surgeries.
Before the pandemic, the sleep centers used to have an afternoon a week when you could go in and try different styles while lying down. I think those days are over. The DME company had different ones to try, but no place to lie down. Not sure if they still do that or ensure how to sanitize them.
Let us know what you think of it.

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Thank you so much for your response and feedback. I too am a back sleeper now after needing to be after several surgeries. I will take a look at the dream mask and keep you posted. Thanks again! Have a great weekend!

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AliceR, I have both the Dreamwear Nasal mask and the Full-Face mask. They both have a “under the nose” pillow. However, I have much better sleep with the Full-Face mask because the additional straps hold it in place better resulting practically zero leakage. And the extra restraint holds the pillow in place better so that I am not struggling at times to breath because the pillow is not properly positioned as what happens often when “ I ” wear the Nasal Mask. I wear mouth-tape to prevent mouth breathing so it is very obvious that I use the Full Face for its better restraint.

My latest sleep time illustrates this as follows. I started last night with the Nasal Mask but had serious leakage problems and broke off the session after 1:36 hr. to change to the Full-Face Mask. The OSCAR software reported an AHI of 4.99 and Large Leak at 63.10%. Deselecting the first 1:36 session in OSCAR the remaining 5 sessions totaling 6 hrs. scored an AHI of 0.84 and Large Leak at 0%. Because of my age, 77, and med’s I can have as many as 6 bathroom breaks. However, to prove how important the right mask is the night before using the Full-Face mask I had only 3 sessions and experienced longest deep sleep I’ve had since using an APAP (4 months). This was likely REM sleep but I can’t prove. However, because I wear an Oximeter ring, called the O2Ring, my blood oxygen % flatlined at 98% for 4:15 hrs. of 7:20 hr. sleep time.


Good Morning Jas! Thank you for taking the time to share! I agree finding and using the right mask is so important. It looks like you have figured out which one works best for you. Sleep well!!

Please describe the mouth tape you use and how to apply it. I have a thin chinstrap and a wide chinstrap (for mouth breathing), but find both uncomfortable. The thin one moves and the wide one is hot.

Louise, I was using the Amazon item: 3M 1535-2 Micropore Tape (Pack of 6 for $12.30) but stopped when I learned it is not a recommended. However many users continue to use it because they have found no other viable approach. I’ve taught myself to do something while I’m asleep that I can’t seem to do when I’m awake and is that is to keep my mouth shut. LOL
I think I found what my biggest mask problem is, my Dreamwear FF mask has a nose cushion that is best shaped for users that chase parked cars. Yup, square headed people having flat faces. Although, I thought the ResMed AirFit 30i was identical to the Dreamwear FF it is not. The 30i has a contoured nose cushion. Pictures tend to obscure this contour. So hopefully, the now on order 30i will solve my leak problem.
Good luck Girl with your quest.


Hi there! Dreamwear is a good one. Try it for yourself and see if it works for you.


Its great to see PAP users helping each other out. Have you considered joining our AWAKE Peer Mentor program? AWAKE Peer Mentor Program!

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Hi Megan – Thanks, and yes… I am already one of the peer mentors :blush:


Thanks for the info about both the tape and the mask you have ordered. Interesting idea also about training yourself to keep your mouth closed.
Please let us know how the new mask works.

Have you ever thought about becoming a peer mentor? Peer Mentor Program

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Yes, I too have signed up to be a peer mentor. I am excited to be able to help encourage and offer support to others going through some of the struggles we all have when we were just starting out. I encourage others to check it out!! We are all in this together! Happy sleeping my friends!